Saturday, August 2, 2008

What Environmentilism is Not - 3

Now that I have picked on what I consider non-environmentalists, let me go into what I see as true environmentalists. These people come from all walks of life, but you will probably never hear the names of most of them. Farmers: Having been born and raised on a farm and still living in a farming state, I am somewhat familiar with farmers and their beliefs. The average farmer would no more harm the environment than he would cut off one hand. The former makes a living from the environment. They are accused of using too many chemicals and many other things that supposedly harm the environment. I doubt whether any farmer would knowingly harm what he relies on for his living. Foresters and loggers are also good environmentalists most of the time. They, like the farmer, know that this is where they earn their living. Most people will no ruin something just for a quick buck, knowing that their future depends on what they do. There are always a few that will go for the short term profit, the future be damned, but you will find that in any business. People who hunt, fish and trap are usually excellent environmentalists. Here again we have our slobs, but that is to be expected. Human nature being what it is you will always have some bad apples. I will be doing complete chapters on these and others, so I will not go into this subject any deeper right now. I just wanted to make it clear at the outset that, yes there are environmentalists around. There are also good scientists out there that actually study the environment and use analytical thinking to make their judgements. Many doctors, lawyers, and Ph.D's and even some celebrities and media people do make rational decisions when it comes to the environment. The problem is, we almost never hear from this group.

We also have to take a quick look at politicians. These people are in a position to do much good or much harm with the laws they pass. They can pass environmentally friendly laws or they can pass knee jerk, do something, just anything legislation. we have both types of politicians in government, so we hope they at least cancel each other out. I have an entire chapter on politics and government but would like to say right here and now that politicians like Al Gore are only out for two things; money and fame. They use scare tactics to try to turn people to do certain things that they control the profit of.

As I stated earlier, I am not a scientist, therefore this book will not be a scientific document. I consider this book to be a work by a common person written for other common persons. Many of the thing I have written this book may be considered suspect. This is because I, like most other people, am drawing on my own experience and my own opinions. Take the argument of creation versus evolution, the big bang or six days. I do not believe that these things make a lot of difference. We all know that the earth has been here for a long time. there is no exact scientific way to determine exactly how long, only theories. Creationists will tell you that the earth was made in six days and those that interpret the bible literally will tell you exactly how old it is. There are also those creationists who believe that the six days mentioned in the bible are not really twenty-four hour days at all. They believe that God, being timeless, may have taken millions of years to do what is stated as a day in the bible. Neither can scientists agree on the exact age of the earth. New discoveries keep popping up that throw past theories out the window. While I definitely am a creationist, I am not going to get into that argument in this book. I am going to use commonly believed and used numbers. While some of those dates may not agree with the six days of creation, they make it easier for both schools of thought to understand.

Enough for today. Check out my other two blogs; &

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