Sunday, August 17, 2008

What Environmentalism is Not - 4

Whether one is a creationist or an evolutionist, one has to agree that man is the dominant creature on earth. Whether you believe that God gave us dominion over the plants and animals or that we earned it through survival of the fittest, we still occupy the top rung of the ladder. Humans are the only logically thinking, (most of the time), tool using, upright walking, sentient creatures on earth. this kind of leaves it to us humans to care for the earth itself and the rest of the inhabitants, flora and fauna. Notice I said care for, not ruin, rape, plunder or any other detrimental thing. However, I also believe that we are allowed to use the earth and everything on and in it. Being a spectator to life and the world around us is not what life is about. Plants use nutrients from the soil and air. Animals use plants and other animals for their food. That is a gross over-simplification of the food chain, but it still leaves humans on the top. I believe that we can continue to use our natural resources and if we do so wisely, we can leave plenty for many generations beyond our grandchildren.

This blog and all of my writing is written for America. While I realize that many of our problems affect other countries and that their problems affect us, I believe we need to clean up our own back yard first. Trying to tell other countries how to handle their environmental problems while we have not handled our own seems a little disingenuous to me. Giving them money to help clean up their country while ours needs a much work as it does, does not seem to smart to me either. Therefore I have decided to concentrate on America. While I may mention other countries or other parts of earth from time to time for comparison, these areas are not the point of this book. We will go to look at the earth in general and then to a closer look at what I consider environmentalism.

We will get into that next time. Remember; check out my survival blog at and also my political blog at

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