Saturday, October 18, 2008

Plants, Animals, Mankind

After taking a lay persons look at the earth, we find that we have a big ball with oil, coal and many other minerals inside. It has soil, rocks and water covering most of it and it has air and more water surrounding it. So far we are looking at a pretty bleak picture. We need to add some things to make the earth the vibrant and wonderful place that it is. According to some scientists, seaweed and other water plants were the first plants to show up on earth. This supposedly took place about five hundred million years ago. A couple of hundred million years later, land plants showed up. I do not think anyone really knows what the plants of that era looked like. With the constant heating, cooling and changing of the earth, with the glaicers, advancing and retreating oceans, plants probably did a lot of evolving. They had to change to adapt to the temperature difference the differences in moisture content in the soil, etc. I feel also, that many plants have become extinct over the eons. Land plants that were eventually covered by an ocean probably would not survive. This would also hold true of water plants that were in an ocean that eventually dried up. Plants would have been constantly changing, going extinct and other plants evolving to take their place. This is looking at it from an evolutionist's view. In reality there was no rain prior to the flood of Noah. Then the rains came and the entire earth was covered with water. So when an evolutionist says this or that continent was once under water, they are correct. The entire earth was covered with water. The pre flood plants may have been different from the post flood plants. Much of the water from the flood may have frozen and caused the glaciers. That makes the most sense to me.

Plants are probably the most important life form on earth. Plants can, and did exist without animals, until animals were put onto this earth. Animals, on the other hand, could not exist without plants. Plants grow, reproduce, (produce seeds), and die. upon dying they decay, thus providing nutrients to the soil for the next generation. The decayed plant life also helps produce more soil. Thus, plants need no help from animals, birds or even insects to continue to thrive. While many plants now need bees or other insects for pollination purposes, it may not have always been that way. There are still many plants that have both male and female parts and therefore are self-pollinating. We also have plants that reproduce by sending new roots from the old or by the means of runners which create new roots. Another method of pollination is the spores are carried by the wind, just as seeds are carried by the wind to different locations.

Plants help the earth and those living on it in other ways as well. The roots of trees and other plants get into small cracks in stone, spreading and cracking them more. This allows more water to get in and possibly freeze making a larger crack. The water washes, through eroding, small particles. These particles, when added to decaying plants create the new soil. Trees also remove carbon dioxide from the air and give off oxygen, without which animals could not live. This is one of the fallicies of the psuedo-environmentalists trying to convince us that carbon dioxide is bad for the environment. Without carbon dioxide you would have no trees and without trees you would have no oxygen. Without oxygen, you would have no human race or other air breathing creatures. Most plants do help purify the air, however, not every plant does. President Ronald Reagan once made a statement that some trees cause pollution. What many people do no know is that there is a species of pine trees that actually gives off noxious gasses. However, we do not need to get rid of the carbon dioxide, we need to plant more trees. More trees mean cleaner air, so it makes sense to plant trees. However, the save the environment at any cost groups run on money. Anything they can do to scare people into giving more money is good and they do not let facts get in the way. When people find out the real truth they may not give the contributions to these groups, meaning that some of these people would have to get a real job rather than running around crying "WOLF". The major media thrives on these types of overblown theories and would not think about questioning these Marxists for facts to back up their claims. Real scientists do not have a chance because their science is not exciting enough.

While we know that plants can live without animals, animals on the other hand could not live without plants. We have basically three types of animals: herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous. The herbivores live entirely on plants, the carnivores live entirely on the flesh of other animals and the omnivores (this includes mankind) live on a combination of plant and animal life. Thus, without plants, there would be no food chain, thus no animal life.  So while we really need to take care of the plants on earth, I do not see any real crisis. While the antis are crying that we are cutting down our forest at too rapid a rate, there is more forrested land in this country than there was one hundred years ago. The purists want to protect every plant and keep it in the environment that it was first discovered in. This is virtually impossible and not ever really practical. Even nature does not do this when left alone. When lightning starts a fire and an entire section of forest burns down, the plants that re-grow are not always the same species in the same mix as the ones tha burned. Thus, nature itself is an ever changing, ever evolving circle. 

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