Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mother Earth-2

When you look at the possibilities that could be occurring now, and the time frames that are involved, it is possible to see many alternatives to mankind being the sole cause of climate changes.These time frames are actually questionable, because if as I believe, God created the universe, it is much to young to have had all of these things happen. However in the writing of this book I will use science's time frames.  While this has been called the post glacial period of earth, no one can tell that for sure. Consider that a glacial period can last from ten to seventy or eighty thousand years and that the warm periods between glaciers can last from twenty to over two hundred thousand years. This could mean that we are not post glacial, but merely between glaciers. Global warming began the instant the last glacier started melting. Without global warming, the glacier would still be covering half of North America. How warm will it get before it starts cooling again? I do not pretend to know and I do not believe anyone else does either. Weather records were not kept until just over one hundred years ago. To use a model of one hundred years and try to extrapolate what its effect is over hundreds of thousands of years is a little like adding a teaspoon of sand to the Sahara Desert and trying to figure how much the volume of the desert was increased.

One of the things we horrible humans are accused of is the release of pcb's and other pollutants into the air, thus causing ozone depletion. When a volcano erupts, it releases the same type of pcb's and pollutants. While we humans are here on the ground releasing our pollutants at or near ground level, the volcanoes are spewing them high into the atmosphere. With the number of volcanic eruptions in the past several years, my guess, as an uneducated lay person, would be that these volcanoes have released more pollutants and done more damage to the ozone than all of us humans. Should volcanic activity increase, it may cause a further thinning of the ozone and even warmer climates. Should the volcanic activity decrease, we might see cooling, even to the onset of another ice age. there are also sunspot activity and carbon dioxide to consider and I will take them up in the chapter on global warming. My feeling is that humans can do nothing (or at the most a very infinitesimal amount) or stop these processes. Our use of chemicals and release of pollutants may make a tiny difference, but in the overall picture of thousands of years, very, very tiny. Once again, it is kind of like adding that teaspoon of sand to the Sahara.

Next take a look at the inside of mother earth, a look at fossil fuels. As I stated earlier, the formation of these fuels has been going on, according to evolution believing scientists, for missions of years. This formation has probably been going on since there was any type of organic matter on this planet that could be deposited and covered to a depth where there was enough pressure. Looking at it from a creationist point of view, either God put it there at the time of creation or it does not take nearly as long to produce as we are being told. Which ever way you believe in I believe that the production of so called fossil fuels is doubtlessly still occurring. I can see no reason for the process to have stopped. I do not think that we can really tell what is going on in the deeper recesses of the earth. This is why fossil fuels, (coal, oil, etc.) are considered as non-renewable resources. They are probably renewing themselves, but even in the shorter time span of creationist thinking, they will not be ready for our generation. While I do believe that these resources are exhaustible and will possibly run out some day, I do not believe that we have a dire emergency on our hands. Back during the oil "shortages" of the nineteen sixties and seventies, there was much hand wringing and wild ranting. there were many books and magazine articles written about the problem. Probably, the majority of the writings were well thought out and sensible. However, there were the doomsayers who predicted the imminent end of fossil fuels and these were the ones that seemed to get the most publicity. I read articles that warned of the end of fossil fuels by the mid-nineties or the year 2000 at the latest. Well, here we  are, almost a decade into the twenty-first century and still going strong. every the doomsayers have a new date at which we will run out of oil. I do not believe that it is possible in my lifetime, my children's lifetimes, mu grandchildren's lifetimes or their grandchildren's lifetimes. These doomsayers are just guessing and just keep extending their dates to keep up their facade; the facade that they are scientists. They are a little bit like the "Boy who cried WOLF", they have cried wolf so many times that most people no longer pay any attention and that is as it should be. We should be thinking about alternatives but not just because we are in imminent danger of running out of oil. We do not need knee jerk reactions but solid thinking and planning. We do not all need to start riding bicycles and burrowing in the ground to keep warm immediately. We need to plan, conserve and convert. I have many ideas on things that can be done and I will cover them later in the book. Cutting down on the use of fossil fuels will lessen pollution and bring our utility bills down. that in itself should get us looking and conservation.

Until next time.

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