Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Global Warming

First of all I would like to apologize for not updating this blog for such a long time. After I began the blog I realized that I had to change some things as what I was basing my writing on was changing. This is almost like a restart and I will be covering current environmentalism as well as the items I was previously covering. Hopefully I will be doing one entry per week. Let's get started with today's biggest hoax.

Is the earth warming? Probably. Is it caused by mankind? I doubt that very seriously. This old earth warms and cools continuisly without the help of man. Since writing my book I have become much more convinced that the earth is a young earth. The Lord, God created this earth about 6,000 years ago. Since that time there has been much change in the weather patterns of the planet. I currently live in central Wisconsin. A few thousand years ago this area was totally covered by a glacier. Without global warming, I could not be living here. If mankind causes global warming, what caused the earth to warm enough for the glacier to melt. There is proof around this planet that it has been both much warmer and much colder in my area. At one time Greenland was considered temperate.

The wacko environmentalists try to tell us that carbon dioxide put into the air by mankind is what is causing global warming. I do not believe that carbon dioxide can cause global warming. Carbon dioxide is a necessity for life. The carbon dioxide given off from everything is used by plants in the process of photosynthises. these plants in turn give off oxygen, which we need to breathe. The more carbon dioxide the better the plants grow and the more of them. The better and the more plants, the better the oxygen content, thus making it easier to breathe. We need three things to live; water, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Take away any one of them and we are all dead.

Tthe wacko environmentalists would have us believe that we need to rid the world of carbon dioxide. That is just plain crazy, we would all die. Global warming is a natural phenomenon, it comes and goes. Actually right now we are in a cooling period.

More next week. Until then check out my other two blogs at:

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