Sunday, March 28, 2010


Earth; that round ball we live on. It consists of water, air and land. There are many other components to earth, but these three are what are most important to those of us living here. And just who are we? People, animals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects, plants. Again, you could break it down further, but these are the main players on this ball we call earth.

Now, our next question gets to be; How old is this earth? Well considering that I consider the Holy Bible to be the inerrant word of God, I believe that it is about 6,000 years old. Now there is some debate on what the word day in the Book of Genesis means. Some people take it to mean an indeterminate period of time while others consider the word day to denote a twenty-four period as it does today. I have considered it both ways and do not see why God could not have created the world in six, twenty-four hour days. Many of the things that non-believers say took millions of years were caused by the flood. Even non-believers now admit that there is a better than fifty-fifty chance that a worldwide flood took place. What has been happening over the years is that the more the scientists dig into the past, the more they prove the Bible to be true.

What all of this means is that we need to look at the earth in a completely different way. We need to discard the "theory of evolution" and concentrate on how and why things turned out the way they did. Did we have cavemen? Probably. Do you honestly believe that when God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden that they knew how to build a house, or even instantly make a tent? Besides, once Cain slew Able, he was sent away and no one really knows how or where he lived. So the possibility of there being cavemen is very real, even from a Biblical perspective. These first people had no knowledge of building tools or other necessities. They would have lived on what they could glean off the land. Those of you who read the Bible will remember that man was not to eat meat until after the flood. Thereby, there would have been no need of many of the items for hunting or cooking meat.

I think I am going to leave it here this week and give everyone that reads this time to digest where I am going with this discussion. I will continue along the same vein next week. Until then check out my other two blogs.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Most environmentalists are wackos. I am now talking about the people like "Friends of the Earth", "Greenpeace" and other such organizations. these people are preservationists not conservationists. They believe that the plants and animals have more rights than humans. These are people that believe that it is okay to kill people to "save the planet". These people are communists and fascists or otherwise know as fasciunists. They will try every fascist tactic to turn this country and the whole world to communism.

They will lie about anything to get their way. For instance; the whole polar bear fiasco. They take one picture of a polar bear on an ice floe and try to palm that off as the normal thing that is currently going on. All of the ice is melting, thus, the polar bears are in danger. The fact that there are currently more polar bears than there were ten years ago and the population continues to grow is of no concern. Show the picture of a polar bear on an ice floe and enough bleeding hearts will believe that they are endangered. Another case is the gray wolves. Here in Wisconsin, we have an over abundance of gray wolves. Our game biologists have said that there are now more wolves in the state than thee should be. Yet the wackos will not allow the wolf to be taken off the endangered species list. The state biologists cannot manage the amount of wolves because the wackos say so.

All hunting, trapping and fishing is in danger of being lost. According to the wackos we are not supposed to use any of the wild game. We are just supposed to look at it and admire it. However, they are not around when the deer eat everything in the forest that they can possibly reach and ruin he forest. Then they come into cities and ruin everyone's yard. None of the wackos are around when the beavers make dams and flood and wash out roads causing accidents. They are not around when muskrats ruin farmers ponds ad then all get rabbis and infect all of the pets in the area.

Someday we may get all of this straightened out, but not until all of these wacko groups are put out of business. Many of these groups are terrorist organizations. They turn animals loose, burn down buildings and many other destructive things. The animal rights organizations such as PETA are some of the worst. Here in Wisconsin, one of the animal rights group broke into a mink farm and turned hundreds of mink loose. These poor animals did not know what to do without their keepers. Ninety-five percent of them were killed on highways within a couple of days. The group that took credit for the release had nothing to say about that, their silence was deafening.

More next week. Until then check out:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Global Warming

First of all I would like to apologize for not updating this blog for such a long time. After I began the blog I realized that I had to change some things as what I was basing my writing on was changing. This is almost like a restart and I will be covering current environmentalism as well as the items I was previously covering. Hopefully I will be doing one entry per week. Let's get started with today's biggest hoax.

Is the earth warming? Probably. Is it caused by mankind? I doubt that very seriously. This old earth warms and cools continuisly without the help of man. Since writing my book I have become much more convinced that the earth is a young earth. The Lord, God created this earth about 6,000 years ago. Since that time there has been much change in the weather patterns of the planet. I currently live in central Wisconsin. A few thousand years ago this area was totally covered by a glacier. Without global warming, I could not be living here. If mankind causes global warming, what caused the earth to warm enough for the glacier to melt. There is proof around this planet that it has been both much warmer and much colder in my area. At one time Greenland was considered temperate.

The wacko environmentalists try to tell us that carbon dioxide put into the air by mankind is what is causing global warming. I do not believe that carbon dioxide can cause global warming. Carbon dioxide is a necessity for life. The carbon dioxide given off from everything is used by plants in the process of photosynthises. these plants in turn give off oxygen, which we need to breathe. The more carbon dioxide the better the plants grow and the more of them. The better and the more plants, the better the oxygen content, thus making it easier to breathe. We need three things to live; water, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Take away any one of them and we are all dead.

Tthe wacko environmentalists would have us believe that we need to rid the world of carbon dioxide. That is just plain crazy, we would all die. Global warming is a natural phenomenon, it comes and goes. Actually right now we are in a cooling period.

More next week. Until then check out my other two blogs at: