Saturday, June 28, 2008

Real Environmentalism

What is real environmentalism? It is not the tree hugging, monkey kissing, animals and plants are more important than people movement. Real environmentalism is real people doing what they need to do to make a living while at the same time trying their best to protect the environment that allows them to make that living. This blog is going to take a look at many aspects of real environmentalism, beginning with how and when the world was formed, what has taken place since, what is taking place now and what we can do in the future to keep it going. this blog is going to take a look at global warming (it is natural not man made) and see why nothing that man does can change it.

I am going try to look at things through the eyes of the people who use the environment, whether for business or pleasure. I believe you will find many of these ideas in this blog different than anything you have been hearing in the media. Come back to this blog next week and take a look at what we will be doing. I am going to start at the beginning (creation) and go from there. I will do my best to update this blog at least once a week.